Shiatsu Massage is an instant, painful relaxation.
Shiatsu, a pseudoscience of ancient Japanese bodywork, is based on the theories in the traditional Chinese medicine. This is the flow of chi or energy through the meridian channels. Shiatsu is inspired by a Japanese massage technique called anma. Anma is often referred as an "life force" which refers to the "life-force" that sustains, nourishes and protects all living things.
Shiatsu can be used to maintain healthy muscle tone, relieve stress and improve cardiovascular health among other things. It has been used to treat migraines, headaches, asthma, as well as a myriad of other conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome. It can be used to ease tension and muscle spasms and ease pains and aches. Regular sessions of shiatsu can aid in maintaining an ideal weight and boost their immunity. Some people believe it can stop certain types of cancer.
Shiatsu was derived from the principles of Chinese medicine that saw the body as having seven meridians that ran along the body, running underneath the limbs and then back. The area runs along these meridians, helping to equalize pressure and promote harmonious flow throughout the body. Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that yin and Yang are in equilibrium when energy flows in a healthy manner. This imbalance could be caused by various factors including stress, improper diet, exposure to toxins, and other triggers.
Shiatsu massage employs the techniques of holding and pressing to stimulate meridians and increase circulation, increasing the flow and circulation of Qi. Shiatsu employs both hard pressure and a gentle touch to draw the Qi through the meridians channels. Additionally, you are pumping energy into your body through applying pressure. The faster energy moves through your body, the more force you apply. You can ease tension by holding the pressure for a couple of minutes and then moving your fingers over the problem area in circular motion.
There are a variety of shiatsu massage , based on the type and the severity of the acupoints that are being treated. Swedish massage is the most common form of shiatsu used in the United States, and also the most popular form of Shiatsu massage in the West. In this type of therapy, the therapist will apply their hands to the various meridian points, applying consistent firm pressure to them. This Swedish style of therapy is commonly used as a relaxation and pain relief technique.
Another form of shiatsu massage is Hilot. It is a form of massage that uses fluid, gentle movements to loosen muscles that are tight. Like Swedish massage, the therapist will also apply constant pressure with their hands to loosen muscles that are tight all over the body. Hilot is sometimes called Japanese Water Massage, due to the similar techniques employed. In this type of shiatsu therapy, it is common to find both Swedish and Hilot techniques paired together to provide more complete healing.
Another type of Japanese Shiatsu massage is called stone massage, which uses the advantages of heat and stones. When a stone massage is performed, the therapist is expected to spend at least 90 minutes working deep into the muscles in the body. The stones are heated to the ideal temperature prior to their use, and they can be as basic as granite or marble, to highly purified crystals. These heated stones can be used to relieve tension in muscles, and to reduce strain and congestion via the heat and friction.
Shiatsu massage is a great option for those looking to relieve muscle tension and stiff muscles. This treatment is safe, efficient and gentle. It can be done either in private or with a group of people. It is also a great way to relieve stress and tension that are common in today's busy world. Sessions is scheduled for any time during the day or at night, and is generally painless if done correctly.